Whenever I’m out in the wilderness for more than a day, the conversation turns to food as our stomachs rumble.  There’s an amazing variety of options, from making your own dehydrated meals, to buying in bulk, or buying pre-packaged individual meals.  Both Gluten-Free and Vegan options abound.  For myself, in my current circumstances, pre-packaged meals are the way to go.

And because backpacking is a time for introspection, I have plenty of time to think about how our food choices impact our health, our society, and the environment as a whole. This world is being ruined by emotionally stunted, broken souls with weak egos that only crave power and attention.  The world would be a better place if we had stronger people leading the way, especially more women. The good news is that I can do something about it, if I choose to make the effort.  One of the things I do is pay more attention to who I give my money to.

I recommend these 3 small, local businesses that produce high quality, high-calorie backpacking meals.  All of these businesses are local and either fully or partially women-owned.  When you buy from these companies, the profits go directly to people who work hard to make the world a better place. I pay a little bit more and its worth it.  Please consider supporting these companies with your dollars.

Ashley Lance, Fernweh Foods (Portland, OR)


Since I began adventuring, I have found the abundance of packaging and garbage piling up at trailhead trash cans and out in the wilderness to be disheartening. In an effort to be a part of the solution, I want to make this company as earth-conscious as I can. Taking a cue from the three R’s, Fernweh Food Co. is doing its part to reduce the amount of single use plastics going into the wild by utilizing packaging that is 100% Omnidegradable or compostable. We lessen our carbon footprint by only making vegan / plant-based meals.”


Gabriella, Sky Above Trail Grub (Portland, OR)


“I am a first generation Nicaraguan-American with a passion for Food justice, empowering others in the outdoors and using food as medicine. Sky Above Trail Grub is a passion project that weaves all of these concepts together.”


Julie and Henry, Food for the Sole (Bend, OR)


“Our mission is to elevate the adventure meals market. We do this by making foods that taste amazing, using only carefully selected ingredients with healthy meal choices as our product line-up. It’s our total privilege and a joy to collaborate and communicate the vision of Food for the Sole, by joining as mother and son to make you the best adventure-ready foods on earth.”